The Stained Glass Workshop - Online Shop Pages


I've complained about shopping online for years. I originate from a small village in the UK where high streets were once the only place for shopping, not to mention, every other shop was a pub! The traders were helpful, and witty and offered a very personal touch. But, we're not in the 70s now and business models have changed the world over.

I have to say, over the last 10 years or so, I've found myself warming to shopping online, even for those items you never thought you could purchase remotely. Our product is one such item, however, with care, and consideration for your client's end need, good solid communication and a quality product, I'm extremely happy to say, I love it! Take a wander through our virtual shop ladies and gentlemen. Products are being uploaded daily and come July 2023, we will be stocking materials, tools and equipment. 



Shop away or give us a nudge.

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